Plato’s Sophist

Luc Brisson, Edward C. Halper & Richard D. Parry (eds.)

Plato’s Sophist Selected Papers of the Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum

Paru en novembre 2024

Academia Verlag - International Plato Studies

Prix : 141,98 €

574 pages - 15,7 × 23,5 × 3,0 cm
ISBN 978-3-495-99135-0 - novembre 2024


The articles in this volume are a selection of the papers presented during the Symposium Platonicum XIII held, 18-22 July 2022, at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA. The topic of the Symposium was Plato’s Sophist. Internationally known scholars, representing a variety of traditions and perspectives, have contributed works focused on many aspects of this work. The richness of the dialogue is addressed under the following headings : Philosophers and Sophists, The Method of Division, Eleatic Stranger and Noble Sophist, Dynamis and Being, Being and Non-Being, Kinds, Truth and Falsehood, Before and After the Sophist.