Virtue Ethics

Revue Internationale de Philosophie N° 267 (1-2014)

Virtue Ethics

Paru en avril 2014

Revue Internationale de Philosophie - Revue Internationale de Philosophie

Prix : 25,00 €

104 pages - 16 × 24 cm
ISBN 978-2-930560-18-2 - avril 2014


The renaissance of Virtue ethics in the closing decades of the twentieth century opened up many fruitful avenues of research and debate. Recent discussions of virtue ethics approaches have clarifi ed their distinctive features, and have illuminated a range of issues in ethical theory, moral psychology, and applied ethics. Indeed, the development of virtue ethics over this period has made major impressions on other ethical theories, such as Kantian and Utilitarian approaches, which have taken on board many of its insights about the importance of emotions, character, judgement, and personal relationships in living an ethical life. This issue of the journal presents a variety of papers which address issues at the cutting edge of contemporary work in virtue ethics.